Sunday, December 27, 2009

October, 2009

In October I took a rug weaving class from Tom Knisely of The Mannings Studio in PA. I had never seen much less woven any rugs so it was quite the experience for me! And it was my very first weaving workshop with the guild. There were a number of drafts given and every workshop participant had a different draft. My particular draft involved twisting five yarns together and alternating that with the rags that I had cut from the fabric that I purchased. I bought very bright, tropical fabrics as I was hoping to end up with a small runner type rug for the living room. There was almost $100 in fabrics so it was quite the investment. I learned to not do that for a workshop and to not count on having anything that you can use when you are finished… Other than that I learned a lot and enjoyed the companionship of the other weavers so it was a good 3 days experience for me. Here is my loom loaded with my two tone warp – it was supposed to be all one color – but it turned out very nice.
I made 17 samples. I keep trying to figure out what to do with all of the samples I received from the other weavers. They are so pretty!

Also in October I finished the Mystery Stole! I believe I am the only knitter in Orlando to have finished it! It was really worth all the blood, sweat and tears. A really lovely stole.

I had to call my ex-husband, Tom, one night in September and ask him to come over because there was a SNAKE in my house and he had gotten under the stove. Tom turned the oven on – I really didn’t think this would bother the snake at all but out he came and Tom was able to catch him and release him in the side yard. I wouldn’t have done it quite like that… but Tom is a kind hearted soul.