Saturday, May 10, 2008

My First Woven Scarf

I'm a little over half finished with my first woven scarf! I think it's looking very good for a first effort! The quilting pin at the left selvedge is to keep track of how long the scarf is. That pin marks 30 inches!

Here is a close up of the weaving itself:

The pattern is 11 rows and you really do start to remember them after awhile. As far as I can tell I haven't made any serious errors regarding the pattern. There are a couple of places where the selvedges have been compromised but I am probably the only person who will notice and that's only because I know they're there :) I am taking my time - it's taken over a month to get this much on the loom - but I want the end product to be as perfect as I can make it.

I can certainly recommend a floor loom as opposed to a table loom! It would be much faster to lift the shafts with your feet than reaching over the loom and doing it by hand. It makes for slower weaving but I think I should really learn this loom before investing in a floor loom. And it is an investment - the one I want, the Baby Wolf by Schacht, is over $1,000. That's a lot of accounting hours ;)

I am going to weaving class today and am looking forward to hearing more about my next project - hand towels for a towel exchange among the new weavers. We have to choose a weave pattern and the colors for the towels. We have been warned against using red and white - dye bleeding is a problem. I will probably stick with a neutral blend that will go with anything. And since I will want some of the towels to keep, I'll have to weave 8 towels! That's a lot of weaving!

Tomorrow is Mother's day! I've already received my gift from my son and his family. So far I've managed not to open it so I can enjoy it tomorrow... I hope all of you mothers and mothers-to-be have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! Your scarf is beautiful -- please bring finished product to B&N next time.


StCroixLady said...

Sharon, Happy Mother's Day to you too (a bit late :) Thanks for posting a response!