Sunday, June 8, 2008

Great American Aran Afghan

I fell at work yesterday and must have seriously injured myself because I have decided to make the Great American Aran Afghan. This afghan is way above my skill level but it just looks like so much fun that I had to try it. Here is my first square, the Ginette Belanger:

It was a rough start but I think it came out fairly well. And I learned a lot about cables which I hadn't knit many (any) of prior to making the square :) And I knit enough Trinity stitch - k1, p1, k1 into one stitch, p3tog - to last a lifetime! The next square I am going to do is the Dagmara Berztiss. This square will teach me twisted stitches and intricate increases. I think this is a wonderful way to increase my knitting skills and end up with a lovely afghan when I'm finished. I also purchased the "Great American Afghan" and I was thinking of combining squares from both. I will need 20 squares total. The "Great American Aran Afghan" has a lovely border to complete the afghan too.

My first weaving project, a scarf, is almost off the loom! I will post pictures as soon as I have finished weaving the sample. My next weaving project is a dish towel exchange! This is just among the new weaving group so hopefully I will be able to finish and not embarass myself! There is an overshot class in August that I am looking forward to taking as well. I hope I can remember how to dress that loom!


Janette said...

Your first square is beautiful! (Belanger was my first square too.)

If we ever get together, we'll review cabling without a cable needle.

Purl Buttons said...

WOW! I'm so proud to know you! You are knitting AND spinning AND weaving!And doing it all so well! I'm very impressed with your weaving. You really took to that, didn't you? Of course, I knew you were great at spinning and knitting already. I was thinking about starting with the same square. What yarn are you using?

We are packing to leave and I'm taking my GAA book up to where my yarn is. If I have time, I'm going to make copies of some of the pages to leave here in case I comeback with the yarn! I miss meeting with you girls. Maybe this summer I'll have time to spend on MY blog...

StCroixLady said...

Thank you, thank you! And thank you, Janette, for teaching me how to cable without a needle! What a wonderful technique! I love your little icon, BTW!!! M, I am using Plymouth Encore yarn. 75% acrylic and 25% wool. I don't even know if it'll block - we'll see :) So far the blocks are coming out the same size or very nearly so. I'm using a size 7 needle. Miss you!