Sunday, December 21, 2008

Handwoven Towel Exchange

My weaving class is having a handwoven towel exchange. We have to weave three towels - two to exchange and one to keep and write up a project page with attached samples. Since this will be our first towel project, we are not expected to be perfect. But I have had problems way above and beyond and I thought I would document them for future struggles...

The above picture shows where one of the threads behind the heddles either broke or loosened from the tie on to the point where I had to attach an "S" hook to weight it otherwise I was constantly fighting loops on the front of the fabric...

The next photo shows the tangled mess behind the heddles that I was ALWAYS getting up and going behind the loom and combing...

This photo shows the list of shots necessary for my Swedish
Rose Twill pattern. There were 78 shots for one pattern

The next two pictures show the front of the loom with the towels on it.

Despite the struggles, I love weaving and it was a lot of fun
watching the fabric emerge! I sure would like a new loom
though :) Maybe if I write Santa a nice note...

1 comment:

Topenchilada (Laura J) said...

Just gorgeous! I can't wait to see them in person. Yours are WAY better than mine!!!