Sunday, June 29, 2008

Convergence in Tampa, FL June 27, 2008

Convergence – a fiber extravaganza put on by the Handweaver’s Guild of America – was not to be missed. We met at J’s apartment in Clermont at 7:00 for a fun trip to Tampa. I left my house at 6:00. I can’t find my way out of a paper bag so I was certainly surprised to find myself at J’s apartment at 6:30!! Two of the girls, K and L, were spending Friday night in Tampa so they could make a two day adventure out of it. I drove the rest of us, D, D, and J, in my car. Since I am a bit of a lead footed driver, I took the point and the caravan moved out! With J’s excellent map skills, we were at the Tampa Convention Center right at 9:00 when the doors opened! Convergence was awesome! Lots of super vendors like WEBS, Yarn Barn, Habu Textiles, Glimarka Looms and Susan’s Fiber. I was like a kid in a candy store! BUT I had a “List” and I was going to be good! No fiber, no yarn, this trip was all about weaving! I fell in love with a red Glimarka loom – it would look perfect in the dining room next to the red kitchen… And the Ashford table loom called to me. You can put it on a stand and presto change-o it becomes a floor loom! We met up at noon for lunch. I was the only one among us who had made it through all the vendors. Remember I was being restrained and sticking to “The List”… We went to Champions Grill at the Marriott Hotel across the street from the Convention Center for lunch. We had show and tell before we ate. One over-zealous show-er almost showered us with ice tea but we quickly protected all fiber purchases and went on. Everyone was grinning ear to ear and having a fabulous time! We were back at it by 1:30. I made one more purchase – a 6-1/2 yard warping board which my teacher, J, chastised me for purchasing saying it was too short. Maybe I can cut it and expand it. Soon we visited the exhibits. Just seeing them was worth the drive over and the $10 admission fee. This was true fiber art at its finest. There were all types of media – fibers, feathers, reed, cloth, metal and even plastic electrical ties. There were wonderful portraits in hooked rugs, super clothes, hats and purses. One fabric was so sheer it was like gossamer lace. Another was sheer with colored triangles floating through it. The exhibits were absolutely awe inspiring. By now, our footsies were giving out and we were ready to head home. The girls who were staying in Tampa were going to have room service dinner in the hotel room. The rest of us elected to eat at a Mongolian BBQ in Lakeland. Delicious and our waiter was memorable too :) Here is a picture of my haul from Convergence, four cones of yarn for my dishtowel exchange, a two pronged fringe twister, a small boat shuttle and a 6-1/2 yard warping board (the only thing I didn’t get was a 22” raddle):

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